5 Vegan Down-Free Insulated Sleeping Bags for the Perfect Camping Sleep


Do you have a camping trip planned this winter? Or maybe you’re off somewhere in the summer, and you’re partial to feeling the cold at night? Either way, whether you’re off to the British countryside or the Arctic circle, it’s possible to stay warm and cozy at night without the need for a down insulated sleeping bag (in many cases, down is cruelly obtained by ripping feathers from geese).

We’ve picked the top 5 synthetically-insulated sleepings bags that will keep you warm and toasty in chilly temperatures, with some suitable for trekking through the Alps or even in the Arctic if you’re so inclined.

5 Sleeping Bags With Vegan Down

1. The Coulee II Twin Sleeping Bag

This cozy double sleeping bag with a 100 percent brushed cotton lining and synthetic insulation will offer you the “very best of camping comfort” with a “premium feel,” according to Go Outdoors. If the night is warm, you can unzip and spread out, using the sleeping bag as a duvet. For when it’s super cold, zip it up and snuggle in with a partner to stay super toasty. One reviewer said, “We have just camped at 5 degrees and we were warm. The girlfriend feels [the] cold [quite] badly and this bag was the redeeming feature of the night.” 

For a closer look, see here.

2. OEX Fathom EV 400 Sleeping Bag

This single sleeping bag is lightweight, comfortable, and most importantly, it will keep you warm on a cold winters night in frosty temperatures as low as -1 degree. Its recommended uses include backpacking, winter climbing, trekking, and festivals.

For a closer look, see here.

3. Hyperlamina Torch

If you’re planning some serious mountaineering and are expecting to encounter freezing temperatures, the Hyperlamina Torch is the synthetic sleeping bag for you. According to Alpine Trek, its ideal for deep winter expeditions in temperatures below -10 degrees. The head area is also insulated and the foot box will keep your toes toasty and warm, even in high-alpine sleeping conditions.

For a closer look, see here.

4. Denali MTI 5-Season

The Denali MTI 5-Season is the sleeping bag for the extreme adventurers among us, providing warmth at temperatures as low as -26 degrees. “If you’re looking for a cold challenge, don’t look any further than a synthetic sleeping bag like the Denali MIT 5-Season by Mammut!” Says Alpine Trek. According to the website, this bag by Mammut is one for those with plans to visit climates as cold as the Arctic.

It adds, “With four layers of insulation, the Hot Head Hood protects the head particularly well against cold and the strong draft collar keeps heat reliably inside in the sleeping bag.”

For a closer look, see here.

5. Coleman Balsalt Double Sleeping Bag

The Coleman Balsalt Double Sleeping Bag is warm and comfy, but don’t take it to the Arctic. This comfortable, soft sleeping bag is for summer campers. For those really hot, sweaty nights, it’s even protected with anti-odor treatment.

Check it out here.

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This post was last modified on December 15, 2020 6:58 am

Charlotte Pointing

Senior Editor, UK | Southsea, United Kingdom Charlotte writes about sustainable beauty, fashion, food, and culture. She has a bachelor's degree in history and a postgraduate certificate in cultural heritage.

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Charlotte Pointing