FOX NEWS Interview Vegan Doctor about Cheese, Diabetes and “What The Health”

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Fox News recently hosted top-plant based physician, Dr Neal Barnard for an interview on the health benefits of a vegan diet.

Plant based diets are a hot topic for the press at the moment and have been receiving a lot of attention from mainstream media outlets, particularly since the release of Netflix documentary “What The Health” in which Dr Barnard appeared. Dr Barnard said.

”There’s been a lot of attention [given to What the Health], especially from the sports community who have been saying ‘maybe I’ll be faster if I go vegan, maybe I’ll be stronger’,”

In the FOX segment, Neal discusses his stance on health and the role in which our diet plays in it. In particular, he focuses on cheese. Cheese consumption is a major factor influencing US obesity rates, according to Dr. Barnard. He said to FOX, “All those things are bad, but in cheese you get the perfect storm. The most surprising thing is it comes out of a pregnant cow, for the most part cows are pregnant nine months out of every 12, and pregnant animals make hormones that get concentrated in the cheese.”

Dr Barnard prescribes his patients with plant based diets as he believes they are the strongest force when it comes to disease prevention and reversal. Touching on just one of these common preventable diseases, he pinpoints the relationship between diabetes and animal protein. He explained:

“The old-fashioned notion was, ‘ok, blood sugar was high in diabetes, so maybe eating sugar caused that’. Well sugar’s not health food, and it can play a role, and it does play a role in health. However, at Yale University, researchers looked into the human body with a technique called MR spectroscopy, which is a big scanner. Inside the muscle cells and the liver cells of people headed for diabetes they found something they weren’t expecting; tiny particles of fat – cheese fat, chicken fat, beef fat. When the fat gets into the cells, the sugar that’s in the blood can’t get into the cells where it belongs, so your blood sugar is high. That’s not so much from eating the sugar, but because the cells are filled with fat and that causes a condition called insulin resistance.”

Barnard firmly believes that a whole foods plant based vegan diet is the answer to controlling – or perhaps even reversing – diabetes.

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This post was last modified on December 15, 2020 6:50 am


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