Yet Another Major Medical Journal Backs Plant Based Diets!

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Plant based diets have once again been highlighted as key in the prevention of a range of serious health conditions according to a recent issue of the Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, which the the Former Head of the American Heart Association, Kim A. Williams, has contributed.

This is a another huge step towards plant based diets becoming a more common lifestyle choice amongst the global population. In fact the author states that encouraging patients to adopt a plant based diet whilst also exposing students, trainees and other practitioners should become the foundation of our approach to health care.

The journal also states that whilst many other cardiovascular prevention treatments have “disintegrated over time” the evidence highlighting the benefits of plant based diets continues to mount. The growing list of health conditions that plant based diets are known to help prevent now include; strokes, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, myocardial infarction and mortality, as well as cancer and inflammatory conditions.

Every day more studies are produced which continue to show the benefits of vegan diets in preventing such adverse health conditions. Interestingly, however, it is recognised by the authors that challenging the science behind our diets is far less daunting than overcoming public inertia, culture and habit. As well as the widespread global marketing of unhealthy foods which continue to have negative effects on our health.

It is therefore extremely important that the results published in this journal are given the attention and platform needed to be fully appreciated by the public. The authors claim that their goal must be “to get data out to the medical community and the public where it can actually change lives—creating healthier and longer ones.”

Until this information is widely distributed and accepted amongst our society many of these diet related illnesses will continue to devastate our populations. The introduction, by Kim A. William’s, closes by stating that the impact of a plant-based diet “clearly represents the single most important yet underutilized opportunity to reverse the pending obesity and diabetes induced epidemic of morbidity and mortality.”

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This post was last modified on December 15, 2020 6:44 am


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