Shoe Brand Gets Vegan Stamp of Approval for Their Love of Animals!

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Ben and Natalie Nothling, founders of ‘Holster’ have become the very first Australian footwear brand to gain The Vegan Society seal of approval.

The company, based near Noosa Beach, told a local newspaper, the ‘Sunshine Coast Daily’ that “[their] mission is to help prevent animal cruelty and embrace ethical production processes by producing shoes that do not contain animal products”

Holster have been vegan since the company’s conception back in 2001, however have since sought out the vegan certification to reflect their love of animals and desire to raise awareness on the topic of animal treatment and sustainability.

“We are excited to see that the veganism movement is a growing trend fuelled by social media and expanding social awareness of environmental issues,” explained Ben, “so we expect that this certification will gain lots of interest and attract more people to our aligning philosophy.” 

Currently Holster have a brick and mortar boutique store in Noosa Beach, selling a variety of fashionable footwear items for both women and children. Styles include wedges, canvas shoes, Espadrilles, sandals and sneakers and are created using a mixture of materials such as PVC, rubber and cotton canvas. Their very first vegan certified shoe is set to hit the shelves as early as this month.

Not in Australia? Don’t worry, Holster distributes to 2,500 stores in 65 countries!

“We will continue to certify all collections we create due to our love for animals.” says Ben. N’aww! Come on, what’s not to love about that?

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This post was last modified on December 15, 2020 7:08 am


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