Health is wealth, so they say.
However, waking up to a potent kale smoothie with a side of protein powder and raw almonds isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. While eating healthy is widely recognized as a way to increase wellbeing, increase energy, and even lift motivation, there (thankfully!) are a variety of ways to do so.
I’m certified in plant-based nutrition and people ask me all the time, “Alexandra, how do you stay healthy and eat foods that make you feel healthy, without giving in to comfort food cravings?” My answer is simple. It’s about balance and eating with intention. Sure, we can all chow down on a high-calorie, high-fat, greasy cheese pizza (even the vegan ones), but we can also choose to eat consciously by choosing a healthier alternative.
I love a light lunch that still quenches my appetite. If I’ve exercised in the morning, coming home and making a nutritious dish to refuel my body and bring joy to my taste buds is a cathartic practice.
After much trial and error with the quantity of ingredients, flavor profile, and the dressing makeup, I’m finally proud of my new go-to lunch. It’s a staple in my kitchen. Although, I love this recipe for more than it’s flavors, protein generosity, and health benefits. I’m sure you will too.
All things considered, this recipe doesn’t take much time out of your day to make. And, if you’re a meal prep fanatic, my recipe will fit into your routine seamlessly. Why? you may ponder. Because you can make a few days worth of servings and keep them in the fridge, or even freeze a baker’s dozen. Keep in mind, I wouldn’t keep these in the fridge for more than three days.
This dish is so simple and convenient. Carrying a large Tupperware salad container throughout your day can get tiresome, quickly. Even for those of us who take to meal prep as a horse takes to water. Thankfully, you can wrap up your sweet potato-based creation in a reusable wrap, sandwich bag, or small container and be on your way with a delicious lunch at the ready.
This recipe was republished with permission from Five Sec.
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