My favourite chocolate bar as a kid was either Snickers or Bounty – I LOVE a Bounty.. Not everyone is a fan of coconut, but those people are just plain wrong.
Since my mid-teens I have grown out of my sweet tooth and rarely crave desserts or sugary snacks – but when I do, this is the kind of thing I go for… they aren’t
quite Bounty alternatives, but trust me they are just as delicious.
High Protein Coconut Snack Balls
– 20 medium dried, pitted dates (15 Medjool)
– Desiccated coconut (you’ll need a decent amount to roll the balls in; say a cup or so)
– Medium handful of dried cranberries
– Tbsp ground cinnamon
– Tbsp
PB2 or just plain old delicious peanut butter
– Tbsp ground almonds
– 2 Tbsp ground flaxseeds
– 2 Tbsp chia seeds
– 2 squares dark or vegan milk-chocolate like
Moo Free
– Place dates and cranberries into a blender or food processor & pulse until pieces are relatively small and starting to stick together – if your blender isn’t very powerful, I recommend chopping the dates before putting them in; this should make it a little less work for your machine
– Add the remaining ingredients (aside from the coconut) in to the blender and pulse again until there are no big chunks and all powders and seeds have evenly dispersed. Your blender should bind everything together and created a soft-sticky ball which you can just take out in one piece!
– Empty a generous amount of coconut shreds on to a wide chopping board
– Next, begin to break off thumb-sized pieces of your date-mixture and roll between the palm of your hand and an empty space on the chopping board to create a sphere
– Roll each ball in to the pile of coconut, ensuring that the outersurface is evenly covered
– Once all are covered, place on a plate or tupperware and refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours before consuming… can always taste-test one first if you’re peckish
Perfect lunch box snacks for kids or 3pm office pick-me-up.