How To Support Your Thyroid with Nutrition


If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism:

– General lethargy
– Lack of motivation
– Dry, brittle hair or hair loss
– Low body temperature- Weight gain
– Constipation

How To Support Your Thyroid with Nutrition


Thyroid hormones play a huge role in the body’s regulation mechanism. They influence consumption of oxygen, rate of energy consumption and rise in body temperature. They affect blood pressure. They stimulate the formation of red blood cells and accelerate the turnover of minerals in the bones. Furthermore, that little gland that lives inside your throat has many important roles that directly contribute to the body’s balance – or lack thereof.

Thyroid issues are becoming more and more common among people today, and it really makes one wonder if there is some underlying environmental cause that desperately needs to be addressed. One theory is that the constant exposure to free radicals and radiation caused by modern ecological disasters is showing its effects. Other factors include genetics, iodine deficient soil, and possibly mercury dental fillings (mercury displaces iodine in cells).

If you think you may have a thyroid imbalance, you may want to try monitoring your basal body temperature for three mornings in a row. How do you do this you ask? Easy! When you first wake up, prior to getting out of bed, take your temperature by placing the thermometer in your underarm. The normal underarm basal temperature is between 97.8 and 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If the average of the three daily readings is below 97.8 degrees, you may be suffering from hypothyroidism.

The levels of hypothyroid levels vary, and like many ailments, mild imbalances may be controlled by diet, lifestyle adjustments and supplements. However, it is advised to consult your doctor, and have your blood work done to determine the working level of your thyroid.

To support your thyroid with nutrients, it is advised to eat a diet rich in natural iodine. Primary plant-based sources include: sea vegetables like kelp, dulse, hijiki, nori, arame, wakame, kombu as well as iodized sea salt.

Secondary plant-based sources include: asparagus, lima beans, mushrooms, spinach, summer squash, Swiss chard, garlic.

Recipe Idea for Thyroid Health | Simple Asparagus Salad

Steam a handful of asparagus in lightly salted water and leave to cool

Chop into bite size pieces and toss with baby spinach

Sprinkle with crumbled nori, and dress with sesame oil, fresh garlic & ginger

Holistic Health Disclaimer: All information and services provided by Veganomical Living are at all times restricted to consultation on the subject of health matters intended for general well-being and not meant for the purposes of medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing of medicine for any disease, or any licensed or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine.