New Vegan Egg Substitute Created Amid Rising Demand for Plant Based Food

Prices of eggs have more than doubled in the EU — they’ve risen 55.8 percent, to be specific — leaving consumers looking for affordable alternatives. Following the growth of plant based foods, particularly in 2017, Ulrick & Short, a British starch specialist, has launched a vegan egg replacement called “ovaprox.”

While this product is not available to consumers, it’s making waves in food manufacturing world. The product, which is made from maize and wheat, is clean and will remain consistent in price, unlike eggs.

This pricing fiasco is on top of rising animal welfare concerns. The facts about the egg industry are increasingly reaching the mainstream, like the fact that the “free range” label on eggs means little to nothing. Between that, the truth about what happens to male chicks, battery cages, and a legal history of the egg industry lying to consumers, eggs are losing the grip they once had on society.

Robert Lambert from Ulrick & Short spoke to FoodIngredientsFirst about his product, explaining its power to change the market:

Although the most recent price fluctuations may settle, egg prices have been historically volatile simply by the nature of the market.

“We’ve seen a significant increase in demand from our customers for egg replacement. This is mainly due to price fluctuations over recent months, and manufacturers have found that ovaprox offers a competitive and price stable alternative. Also, the growth of veganism in recent years is forcing manufacturers to look at egg alternatives and our ovaprox is vegan.”

The product has been tested in the place of eggs in various different foods, including cakes, muffins, pancakes, and mayonnaise. In the end, they found that ovaprox could do everything eggs could do, except in this case the product was cleaner.

With the rise of ovaprox, the masses will be introduced to a healthy, vegan alternative to eggs. Others may follow Ulrick & Short’s lead and release egg alternatives to food manufacturers (and consumers). In the near future, they may be nearly as accessible as chicken eggs.