Actor and star of “The Big Bang Theory”, Kaley Cuoco, has joined up with the Southern California non-profit, Paw Works, to encourage people to adopt their pets from shelters.
Paw Works aims to address the issue of animal overpopulation in shelters by educating citizens and raising awareness of the ongoing issues that the state’s abandoned animals face. The organization currently has two pet adoption centers, one in Thousand Oaks and another in Ventura.
In a parody of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians”, Cuoco persuades her stylist, Brad, to adopt 41 dogs. In a bid to escape from Cuoco and her doggy obsession, the stylist begins to dress Cuoco badly on purpose and hopes to be fired. The message from Chad Atkins, founder of Paw Works, at the end of the short clip is, “we need your help because Brad can’t do it alone.”
Cuoco herself is a vegetarian and has many pets, ranging from rabbits to horses to dogs. The star is not picky either, in her eyes all animals are worthy of love. In November of last year, the actor spoke up in defense of pit bulls. “I feel that every dog is inherently good,” Cuoco told ET online. “I think it’s how they’re raised. If they’re raised in a loving home, they’re going to be a loving dog. That’s how I feel. Pit bulls, they were nanny dogs! They took care of babies back in the day so, they’re incredible dogs. I will support them and scream them from the rooftops as long as I live, the best dogs I’ve ever had.”